Learn more about FlightPose

Although the stand was originally intended for airplane models, the stand can be used for a variety of toys such as Macross Valkyries and Star Wars Vehicles (Hasbro and Lego!). In 2009 after making improvements to the stand we changed the name to FlightPose and launched this web site.
Each FlightPose stand comes with three rods, three screws, a cover plate and a base plate. Assembly instructions are included in each package.
Base: 4 x 4 inches, 0.5 inch in thickness
Rods: 2.5, 4 or 6 inches in height
Weight: 6 ounces
Maximum suggested weight of model: 2 pounds
Works best with 1/32, 1/48, 1/60, larger 1/72, and larger 1/144 scale models.
How does it work?
Rods are adjustable to various positions. Adjustable rods allow models of different sizes and shapes to be supported and displayed. Clear rubber bumpers located on the tips of the rods support and grip model without damaging or scuffing it.
FlightPose is patent pending.